Trace Certified .
Through Trace International, Serapis has joined multinational companies from around the world in support of ethical business practices. Since 2016, Serapis has been awarded the TRACE Certification, has adhered, supported, and implemented the principles and values of business ethics, business conduct, prevention, and fight against corruption.
TRACE is a non-profit membership association that provides practical anti-bribery and anti-corruption compliance solutions for multinational companies and their commercial intermediaries, such as sales agents and representatives, consultants, distributors, suppliers, etc.
TRACE status recognizes the Serapis’s commitment to transparent business practices and underscores its ability to serve as a better business partner for multinational corporations.
TRACE provides several core services and products, including:
- due diligence reports on commercial intermediaries;
- model compliance policies;
- an online resource center with foreign local law summaries, including guidelines on gifts and hospitality;
- in-person and online anti-bribery training;
- and research on corporate best practices.
Serapis collaboration with TRACE International continued after certification.
Various employees and Serapis representatives participated in the program of training, skills development and sustaining principles and values on business ethics and combating and preventing corruption.
Serapis will continue to support and develop such abilities, principles and values through both its employees and collaborators.