Inocenti Read More



Inocenti .

Misiunea Fundației Inocenți / Romanian Children᾽s Relief (RCR) este de a sprijini copiii și familiile care se află în dificultate și de a desfășura activități pentru prevenirea abandonului maternal. Oferim, din anul 1990, sprijin și suport specializat copiilor și familiilor din România, iar în tot acest timp, am fost martorii unor schimbări majore în îngrijirea copiilor abandonați sau cu handicap din România. Ne bucurăm să facem parte dintre acele organizații care au ajutat ca aceste schimbări să se întâmple – cu fiecare copil în parte. Viziunea noastră este aceea de a …

Trace Certified Read More



Trace Certified .

Through Trace International, Serapis has joined multinational companies from around the world in support of ethical business practices.

We support passion projects. With “Alături de voi” Read More



We support passion projects. With “Alături de voi” .

Social responsibility is for Serapis IFM an area in which we frequently invest and results are never far away. When you know that even equipment and consumables for our company generates an added value for our disadvantaged fellows, satisfaction becomes even greater.

Theater without ceiling, a successful project supported by Serapis Read More



Theater without ceiling, a successful project supported by Serapis .

In the Art Theater’s yard in Bucharest some nice people have joined their forces and they built a stage and an outdoor theater. That’s how Theater without ceilling was born! Like any innovative project, Theater without ceiling needed support to start working. Serapis was by his side from the beginning and now the project is a success story.